A Playful Introduction to the Piano    



A Unique Approach To Music For Preschoolers  


PIANO PATTER is the result of a lifetime of immersion in music. As a performer, teacher, and parent, Diana Cobb has observed the benefits of early exposure to creative musical experiences in the development of mind and body. Although music in general is invaluable to a child’s evolution, studies have shown that children as young as 2 years who have even a casual acquaintance with the piano acquire more advanced brain function in math and science. 

Above all, music is a language, a language of emotion and intellect, and incorporating it early on is the best way to insure that it will forever be an important component of one's expressive abilities.

Unlike the typical franchise group music instruction program, PIANO PATTER offers private, individualized instruction. Each child is an INDIVIDUAL with a personal learning style. A private session with a skilled musician sensitive to and focused only on your child’s needs is a unique gift of time for him or her.  

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